A hard truth to swallow if you’re a new entrepreneur

October 25, 2022
Posted in Business
October 25, 2022 Malia W

After working with so many new business owners, I have picked up on some trends of what works and what doesn’t work when it comes to starting a new business. When you first start a business there’s a lot of trial and error that goes into it. Whether your service-based, product based, or anything in between the first year of business can almost be thought of as a trial run.

There is no doubt that one of the biggest things that will make or break your business is your marketing.

I might argue that marketing is the biggest reason why businesses fail or thrive.

Here at AssistantSide, lots of what we do focuses on online marketing and the efforts that go into advertising a brand and business. But do you want to know my secret? The thing that I think makes or breaks if a business will succeed or not? Now this is specifically for small business owners that don’t have a large budget so keep that in mind. The one thing that I believe will make or break your business is your love for marketing.

If you hate everything that has to do with marketing, it will be very hard for your business to succeed. That’s just the cold hard truth. it may sound harsh but the people that love the marketing that they do, I have seen succeed more than those that detest marketing in general. Therefore, so many people choose to offload online marketing efforts to someone like a virtual assistant or social media manager. This in and of itself isn’t a bad thing, you should be able to offload tasks that you dislike in your business. The issue is when you do not have your hand in any portion of the online marketing sphere.

It’s critical for clients and contractors to collaborate in an effort that feels authentic and real when it comes to online marketing. Take for example social media. If you do not enjoy putting together social media posts that will inevitably come through in your posting.

I implore you to find the area within marketing that you excel within. Whether that be finding your ideal topics and audience for social media and creating that type of content, or it might be offline all together. If you are a wonderful networker in person let that be your pull for marketing your business. If you love writing long and personal newsletters, do it! People are gravitating to real and authentic business owners now more than ever. Remember that there’s room for everyone in whatever industry you’re in. Scarcity mindset can kill your confidence so don’t fall into the trap!

Find the area of marketing that fits you and your business and you are sure to succeed.

If you need help tailoring your online marketing strategy book a Discovery Call with us today.